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Sometimes we're trapped by self-defeating patterns which keep us from achieving the life we want to live. I specialize in helping my clients to heal and develop self-love and self-trust, transforming their lives, their relationships, and focusing their journey toward strength and empowerment.
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Create Loving Relationships

​As an Advanced Certified Imago Relationship Therapist, I specialize in working with couples in all stages of their relationship. I use the healing techniques of Imago Therapy to enhance communication and develop increased safety and empathy between the relationship partners. Imago techniques have been proven to truly change the dynamic of relationships. It can be an amazing rebirth for your relationship.

Envision a Healthy Body Image

Very few of us love and embrace our bodies, often using food, exercise, or surgery to cope with self-hatred. I can help you learn to separate food from feelings, become compassionate toward your body, and develop a more holistic relationship to yourself.

Heal from Trauma

I help my clients identify the trauma in their lives that's holding them back from self-acceptance, self-love and happiness. Trauma may have been caused by abuse and neglect, violence, or childhood tragedies... but by learning to accept the role this trauma has played in our lives, we can learn to overcome the pain from our past and live a life free from trauma. Using the proven technique of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) we can develop distance from the trauma, and truly heal wounds. 


Dr. Kim Saft



PhD Transpersonal Psychology/Licensed Clinical Social Worker/Master of Social Work/Advanced Imago Certified Therapist /Certified Somatic Activated Healer/Certified Life Coach/EMDR Certified Practitioner



I work with clients to help them address their challenges, develop new skills to manage their stresses, learn new ways of relating to others, and create a balanced and fulfilling life. By combining Psychotherapy, Relationship Counseling, Life Coaching, and Wellness Counseling, I help to personalize an approach to treatment that focuses on healing the whole person, mind, body, and spirit. This attention to every aspect of your life allows you to realize true personal and interpersonal health and well-being.
  • What is Psychotherapy?
    Psychotherapy uses the power of the therapeutic relationship to work directly with your current stressors in an effort to decrease pain and realize relief. Traditional talk therapy is combined with a variety of experiential exercises, including EMDR (Eye Movement Desensization and Reprocessing), visualization and relaxation training, to help you learn to identify your primary challenges, manage your emotions, and regain control of your thoughts and feelings. Typical challenges addressed in psychotherapy include: anxiety, depression, addictions, disordered eating, life transitions, managing stress, spirituality concerns, low self-esteem, body image, and self worth.
  • What is Couples/Relationship Counseling?
    Couples Counseling focuses on the relationship between intimate partners. Using Imago Relationship Therapy, I introduce you to new ways of relating to each other to create safety and connection in the relationship. This process helps clients to get out of the power struggles that impact many relationships and into a more healthy, supportive, and loving way of interacting. The result is a truly changed dynamic between the intimate partners. Couples counseling can be a true rebirth for your relationship. I am a Certified Imago Relationship Therapist. This specialized training affords me the knowledge and expertise to help couples change the dynamic of their relationship. Using Imago Therapy, I guide couples to develop skills that emphasize active listening, validation, and empathy. These are incredible skills to incorporate into the communication style of the relationship. By teaching couples new techniques, I help empower them to create healing and healthy interaction in their relationship. Relationship Counseling addresses the many different relationships you are in on personal and professional levels. Each relationship, whether it is with a partner, child, relative, coworker, employee, or supervisor, has a unique set of dynamics and challenges. Learning how to manage these relationships is key to living a harmonious and fulfilling life. This type of counseling can be done alone or in conjunction with others. New skills are developed that encourage open, honest, and assertive communication.
  • What is Life Coaching?
    Life Coaching is a supportive and powerful relationship between the client and myself. As a Certified Life Coach, I emphasize maximizing your potential and realizing the life of your dreams. Life coaching focuses on helping you set and achieve explicit personal and professional goals. As a life coach, I help to increase your motivation for change, offer suggestions and guidance for developing a plan of approach, and help to hold you accountable for the action plan you design.
  • What is Wellness Counseling?
    Wellness Counseling focuses on harmonizing the many aspects of your life. The goal of wellness counseling is to address and balance your mental, physical, and spiritual needs in order to instill harmony to your life. This type of counseling is geared to help you learn how to live a life of authenticity. As a Transpersonal Psychologist, I work with you to address spiritual and existential concerns in a safe and supportive environment.

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Learn how to transform your relationship with yourself and create a life you love living. You can develop self-love and self-trust. It’s so worth it. Come on, let's have some fun along the way.

 Wellness Retreats!
At: The Retreat Space

Somerset, PA

Check out my one day and weekend retreats in the beautiful Laurel Highlands. During these mindful retreats from the busy of the everyday, we learn, heal, and grow togetehr. Through didactic learning and experiential practices, jump start your healing journey!

Check us out at!

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What Clients Say

"I always left Dr. Kim feeling so good after every session we had. Whether we delved deep and really worked out some issue or we just spent the session  talking about my week. I always left feeling better no matter how my life stood. And always because I knew someone cared. "
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